Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oprah is God

For my whole life I’ve questioned a lot of things but I’ve never questioned the fact that Oprah is God. I grew up wanting to be Oprah. No, I didn’t want to be a talk show host. I wanted to be independent and strong. I wanted to become whoever I was going to be no matter what happened. Throughout my whole life, Oprah has been there. She was there when my Mom was watching TV when I was a kid. She watched me from a far during college and keep me at my best. Oprah always asks the tough questions and she is always there, watching me as I watched her. I know, you’ll think I’m crazy but Oprah is my guardian angel. My light, my hope. I’ve never doubted or question anything she has ever said. Her word is gospel. So, let Oprah say it, so let it be done. I found this video of her talking at the graduating class of Duke University and thanks to the internet I was there. Oprah was talking to me and she was talking to you. So many pieces of wisdom in this speech. So many truths. I cry every time I watch this. I am moved and inspired to grow with every one of her words. Some of you may not think that Oprah is God and you may be right but we should thank God because God made Oprah and gave her to us. Oprah, I Love you.


1 comment:

  1. I used to compose letters to Oprah in my head, or imagine that she would break into my house, read my journal, and then invite me onto her show to share my brilliance:) I still love Oprah, but now I compose blog posts in my head and imagine Oprah will read them and. . .
    P.S. I've been an Oprah fan since she was on Baltimore's "People are Talking".
