Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wanta be can hate me Now!!!

Let me fill you in on how this works. I’m Measuring Tape Girl. I measure myself before you can as a self-defense mechanism. I judge, prejudge and roll my eyes at myself before you can even open your mouth. A good defense is a good offense. So before you can pass judgement I’ve already cut myself down. I hate me more than any of you wanta be haters could ever dream of hating me. What I really am is a Super hero. My super power is self-doubt. I doubt and question every decision I’ve ever made. I don’t think I’ve ever been truly confident about anything. I don't know what I want and I don't know why I'm writing this blog. I think I'm trying to prove that I exist. Do you exist? Does it matter. I think I'd rather be shopping for shoes but I don't get paid for another week. What's a girl to do? I guess I start a blog. I hope that my words get out there. Where ever there is. I just don't want these thoughts stuck in my head. I'm tired of not being good enough. I'm tired of a lot of things. What is enough? When will it be enough for me. I just don't know what to think or what to write anymore. I'm going to pretend I'm shopping for shoes. If you pretend something is real for long enough. You can make it come true. I'm not going to pretend that world peaces exist or that there is a cure for cancer but I am going to pretend I'm shopping for shoes. I'm going to pretend until I'm actually in the store. Yes, I'm evil. Please Hate me. Wanta be Haters, you can hate me now.

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