Monday, July 26, 2010

The Self-Esteem Workshops

Let the Self-Esteem Revolution begin!!! I’ve decided to go on a journey and I want you to come with me. I’ve spent my whole life thinking I wasn’t good enough. I’ve spent my whole life wondering how I could be perfect, how I could be more beautiful. I’ve never accepted myself for who I am, until now. I never want anyone else to go through what I have. Having a strong sense of Self-worth is not arrogance but an essential part of being a fully functional human being. Draw on the power inside you and make choices based on your goals; knowing that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Anything is possible once we develop a sense of self-worth and a strong belief in ourselves.

Measuring Tape Girl will be going to schools in the local area and performing for 15 minutes. After the performance Measuring Tape Girl will be talking to the students about self-esteem and self-images issues. If you or anyone you know might be interested in having Measuring Tape Girl come to your school please contact or

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oprah is God

For my whole life I’ve questioned a lot of things but I’ve never questioned the fact that Oprah is God. I grew up wanting to be Oprah. No, I didn’t want to be a talk show host. I wanted to be independent and strong. I wanted to become whoever I was going to be no matter what happened. Throughout my whole life, Oprah has been there. She was there when my Mom was watching TV when I was a kid. She watched me from a far during college and keep me at my best. Oprah always asks the tough questions and she is always there, watching me as I watched her. I know, you’ll think I’m crazy but Oprah is my guardian angel. My light, my hope. I’ve never doubted or question anything she has ever said. Her word is gospel. So, let Oprah say it, so let it be done. I found this video of her talking at the graduating class of Duke University and thanks to the internet I was there. Oprah was talking to me and she was talking to you. So many pieces of wisdom in this speech. So many truths. I cry every time I watch this. I am moved and inspired to grow with every one of her words. Some of you may not think that Oprah is God and you may be right but we should thank God because God made Oprah and gave her to us. Oprah, I Love you.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I do believe in you

I do believe in you, now go and make me proud. What do you believe? Who do you believe in? Who do you support? Please let them know you support and believe in them and that you also support and believe in yourself. It makes a difference. It’s that last push we all need to keep going. According to wikipedia, Self Esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, "I am competent" or "I am incompetent") and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. A person's self-esteem may be reflected in their behaviour, such as in assertiveness, shyness, confidence or caution. Self-esteem can apply specifically to a particular dimension (for example, "I believe I am a good writer, and feel proud of that in particular") or have global extent (for example, "I believe I am a good person, and feel proud of myself in general")

What is self esteem to you? What is it about yourself that you are proud of? I know. This is hard. But really think about this. Make a list. Talk to your friends about this. You need to believe in yourself. You need to believe in the choices you make and take responsibility for them. This is an exercise that gets easier over time. Like any muscle in your body, Self-Esteem gets weakened if you don’t use it. Having a strong sense of Self-worth is not arrogance but an essential part of being a fully functional human being. Draw on the power inside you and make choices based on your goals; knowing that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Anything is possible once we develop a sense of self-worth and a strong belief in ourselves. Who do you believe in? I believe in you, now go and make me proud.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

“Open Happiness”

Personal branding is the new black. Your online presence...that is to say your online life will one day be more important than your real life. And if your under 30 it already is more important. I like to think of my blog and webpages as an online portal into my soul. Thanks to all this new technology I get to decide which one of my souls you get to see. Who am I? I don’t know? Maybe my blogging and twittering will help me figure out who I am. Maybe it will help me become who I’m suppose to be. I used to have hopes and dreams. I did. Somehow my hopes and dreams got lost along the way and they turned into regret. Regret is a bitch. I would rather spend my life failing to do what I love to do than to excel at something I don’t want to do. But like most people I’m trapped by my pay check. I trapped by my condo fees and car payments. My choice of life style has determined that I am not allowed to follow my dreams. Who is Measuring Tape Girl? What does her brand represent? I want my brand to be about self-acceptance, self-esteem and hope. There is a lot of growing I have to do before I can be true to my attempt at branding. I pretend to have accepted myself for who I am. I claim to be confident and full of hope but some days are better than others. If I have something to live up to, something to hope for least that’s something. Maybe I can unlock my potential and become the me I want to be. If Coca-cola can “Open Happiness” then maybe I can “Unlock my Potential”. The main difference is that I’m not full of sugar, caffeine and false advertising. OKay. Maybe I am Coca-cola. I did have a lot of coffee this morning and I’m full of my own delusions but their is a difference. When I open my happiness, when I unlock my potential I will directly change someone’s life and give them hope. The life I will change is my own.